Principal Financial

Excerpts of work done at Principal Financial Group, where I worked full time from October 2019 - March 2024.

Click on “CASE STUDY” buttons for a PDF that showcases that design work more visually.

Spanish site Information Architecture


Principal Financial had a set of Spanish pages that were meant to match the English site. Over time, however, they had been neglected and stopped resembling the English site’s, which had undergone multiple visual and structural revisions, and regular updates.

An adjacent team was tasked to cull the collection of Spanish pages down to the most useful thirty or so pages.

My contribution

Working from the team’s selection of pages, I created an organization for the pages so that they would have clear hierarchies—and new URLs to reflect that structure.

When we reached consensus, it was fairly straight forward to create an upper navigation design using our design system.

What I enjoyed about this project was that it emphasized the importance of organizing information, and doing that at a low- or no- fidelity level, before fixating on a UI.

Account recovery process


This work was part of the broader effort to switch to Okta from ForgeRock, a different vendor for account creation, logins, ID verification, and security.

UX and CX’s discovery, collaboration, and design helped Principal avoid $1m in licensing fees for software they trying to leave by the end of 2023.

My contribution

Me and one other UX professional, Divya S, focused on mocking up and prototyping screen layouts for processes that had been agreed on with a Customer Experience specialist and an Information Security specialist.

We were able to streamline some of the most critical customer journeys—creating, entering, and recovering account information—while also optimizing some of the finer details’ appearance and functionality.

Many of the designs and suggestions from that work were pending when I left the company, but the case study below shows one aspect that has been implemented.